FitRunner is an Eclipse plug-in for FIT. With FitRunner, you can run your FIT tests in Eclipse. FitRunner supports Eclipse 3.0. The goal of this project is to help people create and execute automated acceptance tests easily.

Support This Project


FitRunner 1.1.1 (9/5/2005): FitRunner works with FIT 1.1 now.

New Home for FitRunner (5/20/2005): This project is moved to SourceForge! A new Project Statement is also released.

Update site (8/29/2004): See Installation for more details.

Version 1.1.0 (7/3/2004):

  1. Exclusion files and folders can be specified. For example, CVS folders should be excluded.
  2. Generates summary.html. A summary.html is generated for each acceptance test folder, so the tests can be organized in different folders.


You may install this plug-in using the update site or download a zip file and install manually.

Using the update site:

  1. In the main menu, select Help > Softeware Updates > Find and Install.
  2. Select Search for new features to install, and click Next.
  3. Click on New Remote Site... In the pop-up dialog, input FitRunner in the Name field, and in the URL field. Click OK.
  4. A new bookmark will appear in the Install dialog. Check the check box right at the left side of the FitRunner bookmark. Click Next.
  5. Select all the features, and click Next.
  6. (You know what to do from now on, don't you?)

Manual Installation:

  1. Remove older version of the plug-in from the plugin folder.
  2. Download the plugin from here.
  3. Unzip the file to the Eclipse folder.

Using FitRunner

  1. Start Eclipse.
  2. Select Run... from the drop-down menu of this button: from the toolbar. The Launcher Configuration dialog will show:
  3. Select FIT fron Configurations, and click New button. A new launcher configuration for FIT will be created. Specify the Project, Output Folder, and the test file (or the folder that contains several tests). It is recommended also to specify a name for the configuration. If a test folder is specified, all the files (HTML or not) in the folder and in the sub-folders will be run. The same folder structure will be created in the output folder. Tests specified in the exclusion list will not be run.
  4. Click Apply to save the configuration, or click Run to run the test(s). A summary will be printed in the console view, and summary files will be created.